Friday, August 16, 2013


So recently I was given the opportunity to review some dryer balls.  Well I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical going into it.  Then after talking to my wife and finding out how much we spent on fabric softener, I said let's give it a try.

So upon receiving the Woolzies I took some quick pictures of the packaging and read through the package info.  So lets get to the good stuff 

So what are Woolzies ?  They are 100% New Zealand wool balls.  They are supposed to naturally soften clothes, reduce static, reduce wrinkles and reduce drying time by 25%.

The package I received came with six XL Woolzies.  This is enough for a large load of laundry (eight are suggested for XL load).  All you have to do is put them in the dryer with your normal load of laundry.   So my family set out to do some laundry.  After washing the clothes without fabric softener, we put the load in the dryer with the six Woolzies.  We have a front load dryer with see thru door, so I watched the dryer in action for a while.   I was pretty shocked to see the Woolzies mix thru the laundry very well.  I can see how they may help dry the clothes faster.   They seem to create air pockets in the load of clothes, I suppose this could allow the air to circulate better and aid in faster dry times.  That is far as my trying to figure out how these work goes.

They are supposed to be noise free, but I did hear some banging around when the balls were not mixed in with the laundry.  After the dryer was done, I went to check out the results.  I was surprised to find the laundry was very soft,  I can't say I noticed any difference from when normally washed with fabric softener.   I did notice the lack of smell from the fabric softener,  But to be fair this was mentioned in the directions.  I haven't tried it yet, but the directions say you can take 2 of the Woolzies out , then apply a desired amount of pure essential oil to each ball and put them back in the dryer for 10 minutes with no heat.  This will produce heavenly smelling laundry.  I was also concerned about the possibility of the Woolzies producing more lint.  Upon inspection of the lint trap, there was no increase in lint, there may have even been less lint.

So to sum things up I am very pleased with the effectiveness of the Woolzies.   My family plans to continue using them.  According the Woolzies website six cost $34.99 and they are guaranteed to last 1000 loads.  So they will definitely pay for themselves vs the price fabric softener.  I would recommend giving them a try, worst case scenario you could take up juggling.

Woolzies website:
Woolzies Facebook:

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This Teddy may be smarter than your average bear.


This Teddy is going to have the ability to hold conversations.  This is all possible by connecting your smart phone.  The phone will need data (will not need a wireless plan, if it has WIFI).   I encourage everyone to head over to Supertoy's Kick starter page to see all the details.

Supertoy - World’s First Natural Talking Teddy Bear